Author: admin

Giving a finger to socialized medicine

Giving a finger to socialized medicine

So it seems that the discussion of medical care and national coverage has become so contentious that a physical fight broke out resulting in one person biting the finger off of another individual. Bill Rice was probably not acting as a model citizen but I doubt if he deserved to lose a finger!

This sounds like a replay of a bad Michael Tyson fight!

iraq_vote_purple_finger When we see images of the two most recent democracies of the world (Afghanistan and Iraq) we often see the image of a purple finger identifying a recent voter. Now in the United States we will be showing the lack of a finger to depict our political process.

Why can’t we just have a civil discussion of the issues and concerns? Is violence really necessary?





Obama can talk to the kids

Obama can talk to the kids

There is quite a bit of concern regarding President Barack Hussein Obama talking to students this coming week. I think the uproar is probably not justified.

BHO is a well meaning individual. Few people could categorize him as being evil. So the concern that he will corrupt our children with his spoken words is a little misplaced.

In addition, BHO knows that everyone is going to be watching this speech. If he steps over the line of just encouraging kids to stay in school and get involved in something important then he will compel his political enemies to attack him. He knows this. If he uses this platform to push cap and trade or socialized medecine then he will drive a spike into those programs.

We should trust but verify that our elected leader doesn’t steer off the beaten path.