Arizona Governor Withdraws Incentives After Nike Pulls Flag Shoe

Arizona Governor Withdraws Incentives After Nike Pulls Flag Shoe

I am done with Nike.

Colin Kaepernic was a so-so football player that was close to the end of his career. He wasn’t even good enough to get a job as an ESPN analyst. He maintained his relevance to some American consumers by inspiring contempt for America’s symbols. His original protests were supposed to be about police violence but now he seems to be branching into other forms of outrage – whatever will get his name in print, it seems.

I think everyone that hates America’s symbols just because they are old should buy Nike products and everyone else that loves America and understands that we have never been a perfect country but we sure have been better than the majority of countries in the last 250 years should not buy Nike products.

Good job to Governor Ducey for drawing a line in the desert sand.

Source: Arizona Governor Withdraws Incentives After Nike Pulls Flag Shoe – Bloomberg

One Reply to “Arizona Governor Withdraws Incentives After Nike Pulls Flag Shoe”

  1. Just a quick update.

    Evidently, this flag design isn’t even commonly used by hate groups or extremists. This literally is just Colin being an idiot and NIKE blindly following along. To me, it is one step too far (maybe a couple steps too far). I completely understand NIKE not putting a picture of a KKK figure on their shoes – that simply makes good and common sense. But when you refuse to honor America by showing a flag that was common during the Revolutionary War, give me a break.

    Some extremist groups have tried to appropriate the Betsy Ross flag, but it isn’t widely used by white nationalists or far-right groups as a rallying symbol, according to people who research American flags and those who track extremism.

    “This is the first I’ve heard of it. This is a new one,” said Peter Ansoff, president of the North American Vexillological Association, a group that studies historical and modern-day flags. He said the flag is common today as an emblem of the American Revolution.

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