Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-21
- When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: ‘Whose?’ – Don Marquis #
- RT @4windpower: Wind Power Works!: In connection with the Global Wind Day on 15 June, #
- RT @all_about_warm: Sir Paul McCartney calls for meat-free Mondays to combat climate change #
- RT @im2byteme: LIBERAL ARGUMENT: There is no room for logic or historical fact in this discussion, my opinion is all that matters! #tcot #
- RT @TIBCO: Want to know your current cloud infrastructure and hosting options? This article may be for you: #
- RT @MeilinSong: Global warming causing mass migration #
- RT @WorkWithTrump: POWER POLITICS: EPA refuses to reveal dangerous coal ash waste sites #
- Where all think alike, no one thinks very much. – Walter Lippmann #
- RT @im2byteme: REMEMBER? If we don’t pass the stimulus now we’re doomed! 3 mos later less than 8% is spent #tcot #
- Great article on email etiquette #
- RT @KarlRove: FactCheck takes a whack at “jobs saved” claim. #TCOT. (comment by me – great article – READ IT!!) #
- RT @CIN_Reds: RT @bsuccess Cincinnati Reds may have the worst offensive team ever. #
- These are rules to live by!! RT @Timm_Martin: The Manager’s Cheat Sheet: 101 Common-Sense Rules for Leaders #
- RT @XKingKong: 10 Most Unreal Landscapes On Earth #
- If President Nixon’s secretary, Rosemary Woods, had been Moses’ secretary, there would only be eight commandments. ~Art Buchwald, 1974 #
- Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.Benjamin Franklin #
- Things could always be worse; for instance, you could be ugly and work in the Post Office. Adrienne E. Gusoff #
- RT @gorelied: ‘Global warming is just another term for ‘good weather’ #
- Congratulations to Derek Cox of Mason High School for signing with UC baseball! #
- To no one’s suprise: “California is so broken that we must look at every bold proposal out there” – Arnold Schwarzenegger #
- Best Buy is frustrating. Sent a repaired iPod back more broken than when we sent it in! Now have to wait weeks for a new one. #
- RT @tweedandvelvet: Try to stay out of trouble but if you must go to court I suggest you dress like this #
- RT @dansewell: RT @McMahill: DYK that Procter, candle-maker, and Gamble, soap-maker got together because they married sisters? Now You KNOW #
- RT @bwotdcom: RT @VegasPartners: Inside every older person is a younger person wondering, “What the hell happened?” #
- O’s Doc says NO to Obama care: think Obama will throw Dr overboard like preacher? #tcot #glp (via @TheFlaCracker) in reply to TheFlaCracker #
- RT @TheFlaCracker: Why do people that LOATH the DoD and their $700 hammer want to give power to same system and ruin $65 hospital aspirin? #
- RT @TheFlaCracker: Why oh Why didnt CARTER go to IRAN to oversee the elections. None of this would have happened if he had. #tcot #
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