Month: June 2009

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-28

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-28

  • The reason there is so little crime in Germany is that it’s against the law.
    – Alex Levin #
  • RT @TheFlaCracker: If you can read this, thank a teacher. It’s in English thank a soldier. If you are on walfare, thank ME! #
  • Reality is something you rise above.
    – Liza Minnelli #
  • Shaq is going to Cleveland!! Lebron and the big man could make a powerful combination. #
  • Great article in WSJ about Iran and Web 2.0 and how Obama didn’t get it even though he “got it” to be elected. #
  • Great idea! RT @KristineWirth: Wordtracker’s free keyword tool plugin for firefox – video – #
  • If it weren’t for Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of television, we’d still be eating frozen radio dinners. – Johnny Carson #
  • Check out this amazing basketball shot! Beat that Lebron and Dwight Howard! #
  • RT @dailybayonet: RT @nkoscielniak: Congressman on Twitter. Time to start tweeting to vote AGAINST Cap & Trade #capandtax #
  • RT @SherriEShepherd: RT @ReaganGomez: Mcmahon passed this week to introduce tonights guest. Farrah Fawcett w/music guest Michael Jackson #
  • RT @Timm_Martin: Wow, we lost two pop icons in one day. RIP Farrah and Michael! #
  • RT @MeilinSong: The Climate Bill Explained #
  • RT @Timm_Martin: Stewart on Gov. Sanford: “Just Another Politician With A Conservative Mind And A Liberal Penis” #
  • A bore is a man who, when you ask him how he is, tells you. – Bert Leston Taylor #
  • RT @justin_hart: The EPA’s internal nightmare over global warming: Part 1 #capntax #tcot #
  • RT @JustinSage: Trent Dilfer states, “I think the Bengals are going to be one of those surprise teams this year.” Makes me happy 🙂 #
  • I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.George S. Patton #
  • Great day. 4 basketball games and 1 baseball game. All wins! Transformers with the kids tonight! I get an A+ on Dad points tonight. #
  • New rumor. Since Michael Jackson was 95% plastic he is going to be recycled as Legos so little boys can play with him now. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-21

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-21

  • When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: ‘Whose?’ – Don Marquis #
  • RT @4windpower: Wind Power Works!: In connection with the Global Wind Day on 15 June, #
  • RT @all_about_warm: Sir Paul McCartney calls for meat-free Mondays to combat climate change #
  • RT @im2byteme: LIBERAL ARGUMENT: There is no room for logic or historical fact in this discussion, my opinion is all that matters! #tcot #
  • RT @TIBCO: Want to know your current cloud infrastructure and hosting options? This article may be for you: #
  • RT @MeilinSong: Global warming causing mass migration #
  • RT @WorkWithTrump: POWER POLITICS: EPA refuses to reveal dangerous coal ash waste sites #
  • Where all think alike, no one thinks very much. – Walter Lippmann #
  • RT @im2byteme: REMEMBER? If we don’t pass the stimulus now we’re doomed! 3 mos later less than 8% is spent #tcot #
  • Great article on email etiquette #
  • RT @KarlRove: FactCheck takes a whack at “jobs saved” claim. #TCOT. (comment by me – great article – READ IT!!) #
  • RT @CIN_Reds: RT @bsuccess Cincinnati Reds may have the worst offensive team ever. #
  • These are rules to live by!! RT @Timm_Martin: The Manager’s Cheat Sheet: 101 Common-Sense Rules for Leaders #
  • RT @XKingKong: 10 Most Unreal Landscapes On Earth #
  • If President Nixon’s secretary, Rosemary Woods, had been Moses’ secretary, there would only be eight commandments. ~Art Buchwald, 1974 #
  • Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.Benjamin Franklin #
  • Things could always be worse; for instance, you could be ugly and work in the Post Office. Adrienne E. Gusoff #
  • RT @gorelied: ‘Global warming is just another term for ‘good weather’ #
  • Congratulations to Derek Cox of Mason High School for signing with UC baseball! #
  • To no one’s suprise: “California is so broken that we must look at every bold proposal out there” – Arnold Schwarzenegger #
  • Best Buy is frustrating. Sent a repaired iPod back more broken than when we sent it in! Now have to wait weeks for a new one. #
  • RT @tweedandvelvet: Try to stay out of trouble but if you must go to court I suggest you dress like this #
  • RT @dansewell: RT @McMahill: DYK that Procter, candle-maker, and Gamble, soap-maker got together because they married sisters? Now You KNOW #
  • RT @bwotdcom: RT @VegasPartners: Inside every older person is a younger person wondering, “What the hell happened?” #
  • O’s Doc says NO to Obama care: think Obama will throw Dr overboard like preacher? #tcot #glp (via @TheFlaCracker) in reply to TheFlaCracker #
  • RT @TheFlaCracker: Why do people that LOATH the DoD and their $700 hammer want to give power to same system and ruin $65 hospital aspirin? #
  • RT @TheFlaCracker: Why oh Why didnt CARTER go to IRAN to oversee the elections. None of this would have happened if he had. #tcot #

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Sarah Palin’s daughters are not off limits

Sarah Palin’s daughters are not off limits

Why is it that every President in the modern age of media has been able to convince the media to not talk about their children but it is okay for the media to talk about the children of a Vice President contender, Sarah Palin?  David seems to be confused with the 14-year old daughter and th 18-year old daughter.


Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-14

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-14

  • The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true. – James Branch Cabell #
  • RT @KarlRove: Great piece by @danaperino, correcting Austan Goolsbee’s claims on Fox News Sunday. #TCOT #
  • One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory.
    – Rita Mae Brown #
  • In a QBR being bored. Looks beautiful outside. I should be playing golf. #
  • Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. – Plato #
  • Why is airport food in O’hare in Chicago so bad AND so expensive? We really need high speed rail in the Midwest! #
  • RT @tweedandvelvet: The last button on your dress shirt is stitched horizontally. This is why. #
  • RT @frozenhiker: Change is inevitable so if you can’t embrace it, you can’t be happy. #
  • Where we have strong emotions, we’re liable to fool ourselves.
    – Carl Sagan #
  • RT @all_about_warm: House agriculture panel not back climate bill just yet #
  • RT @4windpower: Wind farm concerns voiced: She said while the technology may still be in the early stages, ….. #
  • RT @Eleplumps: Climate Change: Obama Sounds Too Much Like Bush (source: #
  • Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use.
    – Wendell Johnson #

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Conan is boring

Conan is boring

I am happy to see that even Bob Lefsetz appears to agree with me that Conan is boring and NBC will need to do something to save this great show. I really liked this quote on Lefsetz Letter:

If NBC were smart, it would immediately pay off Conan and reinstall Jay at 11:35.  But it won’t, it’d rather lose the franchise and blame it on something other than its ineptitude.  Just like the record business!

Letterman is beating Conan

Letterman is beating Conan

It appears that I am not the only one that thinks that Conan is boring.  Letterman took over the top spot in ratings last week when he had Julia Roberts as his guest and Conan had Eddie Murphy.

Conan’s market share has dropped 56% since he took over on the first of June.

Looks like it is time to start looking for a replacement to the very boring Conan.